AVMA – American Veterinary Medical Association – An online resource for everything related to professional policies and guidelines in veterinary medicine.

SPCA – For those interested in adopting or fostering a pet.

Animal Poison Control – A great resource if you are concerned that your pet may have ingested a toxin or hazardous substance. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Fee-based.

Puppy/Kitten Packet – This is a comprehensive packet that we give every new puppy and kitten owners at their first visit with us. Contains lots of helpful information.

Cat Fanciers’ Association – Anything you want to know about a cat breeds health and welfare.

Genetic (DNA) Testing – Knowing your pets genetic background helps in predicting and preventing various health conditions. It can also be helpful in giving a breakdown of your pets breed makeup.

APLB – Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement – This website gives grieving individuals and families a place where they can find resources, comfort, and support services available to them during their time of loss.

Pets & Parasites – The Pet Owners Parasite Resource website contains info about various parasites that can infect your pet. This includes pictures, helpful insights to their origin and life cycles, as well as treatment options and prevention.